Criminal Defense

Protect Yourself. Call Sheena Gamble, Attorney At Law Today

When faced with a complex legal matter, it is imperative that you quickly obtain the representation of a skilled and trusted legal professional.

Being legal trouble can be overwhelming and stressful.  If you or a loved one have been arrested and charged with a crime, time is of the essence.  Your freedom, finances, and reputation are on the line.   The sooner you hire a defense attorney to represent you, the better for resolution of your case.

You must take aggressive action and get legal representation in order to protect your rights and your freedom.   A knowledgable criminal defense lawyer is your best chance to preserve your rights.  To ensure you receive an aggressive legal defense, contact Sheena Gamble, Attorney-At-Law, and discuss your case.  


Assault & Battery

Assault & Battery charges may carry severe penalties.  Contact Attorney Gamble to ensure your rights are protected.

Drug Crimes

From possession to trafficking, when your rights are on the line, allow Attorney Gamble to engage in a vigorous defense of your legal rights.


DUI charges can tie a defendant up in court for years.  Hire an Attorney Gamble to seek a swift resolution of your charges.

Juvenile Crimes

Don’t let mistakes made when you are a minor determine the rest of your life.  Contact Attorney Gamble for an assessment of your case.

Theft Crimes

Defending against a theft charge can be challenging without a dedicated attorney on your side.  If you face theft charges, call Attorney Gamble right away.

Violent Crimes

Whatever the violent charge, we are here to listen and provide the best possible defense.

Passionate & Empathetic Defense Attorney

It’s critical that you work with a knowledgeable and qualified criminal defense attorney if you’re facing any type of criminal charges. Attorney Gamble will be able to provide effective advice and help protect your freedom, your future, and your reputation.


We provide honest, dependable, and private counsel dedicated to alleviating your stress and resolving your legal issues as quickly as possible.

Legal Protection

You do not have to face your legal issues alone. We take an in-depth look into every criminal case and determine the best strategy for your defense.

We Take Care

Our client portal will keep you "in the know," providing you with ready access to your case status, discovery documents, payment information and other pertinent case information 24/7.

Planning Your Defense

No matter the charge, Attorney Gamble will defend your interests vigorously.  With your future on the line, you need an attorney that is passionate about criminal defense who will do everything to protect your rights and freedom. After our consultation and signed agreement to enter into an attorney-client relationship, we will evaluate your options.  Attorney Gamble will:

Gather necessary evidence

Interview witnesses

Cultivate Expert Opinions

Build a strong case on your behalf

What Do You Get For Your Attorney's Fee?

Attorney Gamble provides criminal defense based upon a flat fee basis, categorized by whether the crime is a misdemeanor or felony.  Reach out today to schedule your initial consult.

How Long Does It Take Before The Case Goes To Trial?

It can take many months for a case to reach the courtroom, and depends upon whether the client accepts a plea or goes to trial.  Numerous factors such as the number of witnesses and volume of evidence influence the duration of the case. Attorney Gamble will work quickly to provide swift resolution to your case when possible.  

What Do You Need From Me To Get Started?

Schedule a consultation with Sheena Gamble, Attorney-At-Law.  At the consultation, both Attorney Gamble and you, the client, will determine whether or not we choose to enter into an attorney-client relationship. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship.  Once an attorney-client relationship is agreed to, we will begin the intake process where we gather information from you and begin our investigation.  

Let us help you!

If you need an attorney, don’t delay. Contact Sheena Gamble, Attorney-At-Law and schedule a consultation.

Call: 334-223-4869

[email protected]
Mon – Fri 09:00-5:00

Client Intake Form

Do You Need Help With Your Criminal Case?

Let us help you! Call Now: 334-223-4869

·  Mon – Fri 09:00-5:00