Election Law

Election Law & Government Ethics

We have years of experience navigating the political arena.  As your attorney, we advise on issues related to campaign finance, electoral strategy, PAC formation and operation, and defend in election challenges.  We offer comprehensive counseling on a wide range of election compliance issues.

We help clients with political campaign compliance laws and regulations and navigate the legal and administrative challenges that occur as a participate in the political campaign process.  

Sheena Gamble, Attorney At Law provides a high level of service to our clients.  We offer comprehensive compliance consulting at the federal, state, and local jurisdiction levels.  

Compliance Areas

Campaign Finance Laws

Federal Election Commission Regulations

Independent Expenditure

Pac Formation, Guidance, and Reporting

Lobbying Regulations


Voting Rights


We help you stay abreast of the laws concerning election contests and fundraising at every stage, counseling in ballot access, the nomination process, and campaign finance.

Legal Protection

We will advise and represent candidates and political parties through legal disputes, recounts, and other related election matters in state and federal courts.

We Take Care

Our client portal will keep you "in the know," providing you with ready access to your case status, discovery documents, payment information and other case information 24/7.

Planning The Case

Election matters encompass a wide range of needs.  We provide advice related to ballot access, compliance with FEC Act, Lobbying Disclosure Act, as well as other state and election laws.  In order to put on the required case or defense, we must:

Gather necessary evidence

Interview witnesses and review relevant case law

Cultivate Expert Opinions

Put on a strong case on your behalf

What Do You Get For Your Attorney's Fee?

We advise and litigate in election and political campaign matters based upon an hourly rate with a client agreement to pay attorney a retainer fee deposit upon which the firm withdraw sums from the trust account to pay the costs, expenses, and fees for legal services incurred in your case.


On Average, How Long Does It Take Before A Resolution Is Reached?

Many factors influence the time frame for an election contest but the timeframe during litigation is rapid..  The average resolution occurs within a few days or weeks of the contest.

What Information Do You Need From Me In Order To Get Started?

Schedule a consultation with Sheena Gamble, Attorney-At-Law.  At the consultation, both Attorney Gamble and you, the client, will determine whether or not we choose to enter into an attorney-client relationship. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship.  Once an attorney-client relationship is agreed upon, we will begin the intake process where we gather information from you and begin our investigation.

Let us help you!

If you need an attorney, don’t delay. Contact Sheena Gamble, Attorney-At-Law and schedule a consultation.

Call: 334-223-4869

[email protected]
Mon – Fri 09:00-5:00

Client Intake Form

Seeking an Election Attorney?

Let us help you! Call Now: 334-223-4869

·  Mon – Fri 09:00-5:00